One False Move to Ignite World War 3
One False Move to Ignite World War 3
Jason Carter, September 23, 2016
Russia and China will soon rival the US in power and might. US hegemony is coming to an end. Around the world various flash points could ignite into a global conflict. One false move could start a third world war.
According to experts our planet is closer to a catastrophic world war than at any time in 60 years. There are so many places across the earth where hostility could flare up within a single moment. China and Russia will soon rival the U.S. in military and influence. American hegemony is coming to an end and its the inevitable economic collapse could precipitate this decline.
It is said that China will become the new economic power within 20-30 years and when you become the economic power you become the leader politically. Many believe China’s rise to power will lead to a confrontation between China and the US.
The Vice Premier for People’s Republic of China said:
“In the future, direct confrontation between China and the United States will be unavoidable.”
But this confrontation may begin sooner than we think with the disputed waters in the South China Sea in a situation that is potentially explosive and very dangerous with global ramifications.
The dispute is over territory and sovereignty over ocean areas and two island chains. China, Vietnam the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims. With China claiming the largest area.
Over the years China has moved to dominate the area with the construction of artificial islands containing fighter jet hangars. This is obviously concerning for the neighbouring countries and also Japan and South Korea, members of the Pacific blog which the United States has sworn to protect.
Now Japan has announced plans to increase joint military activities in the disputed waters with the US Navy and Russia joins in the fray as it partakes in military exercises together with China off the Chinese coast. Although these exercises between China and Russia are annual occurrences, both nations have cited that what is happening now is the largest in history. Tensions are rising as the U.S. Navy continues to dispatch warships and military planes in the area of the disputed islands.
China has described this action by the U.S. as provocations and vouched to defend China's sovereignty. China warned the US last year:
“If the United States continues with these kinds of dangerous, provocative acts, there could well be a seriously pressing situation between frontline forces from both sides on the sea and in the air, or even a minor incident that sparks war.”
The U.S. relationship with China hangs on a thread and relations are not looking much better between the US and Russia either. Because we not only have this tinderbox in the South China Sea, we also have the E.U.’s disastrous foreign policy and how it destabilised the Ukraine in its invitation to join the E.U. which encouraged Ukrainians to topple their legitimate president, which in turn Putin responded by annexing part of the country. Now this action was not only supported by the E.U. but also the US and importantly wasn't only supported by them but much of it was orchestrated by them according to congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Paul said:
“Imagine if a foreign leader like Putin or Assad came to Washington to encourage protesters to overthrow the Obama administration!”
These protests funded by billionaire George Soros ultimately led to the overthrow of the government and of the installation of politicians chosen by the US State Department.
If all this wasn't enough the recent rant by US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who bizarrely accused Russian President Putin of being the godfather of the so-called extreme nationalism and the populist movements. Of course she was referring to Brexit and the Trump phenomenon that's sweeping the West.
Now this anti-Russian rhetoric by Clinton and also the political establishment as a whole could seal the fate of U.S./Russia relations in the future if she gets elected. Now it's a really dangerous game Western politicians are playing with Russia, and we should be thankful that Putin – well that's the way I see it anyway – has offered incredible restraint throughout this propaganda campaign that lays the blame for anything at the feet of Russia.
Other flash points are the Syrian crisis with Russian bombers and NATO bombers flying in close proximity over Syria with Russia backing Assad and the U.S. backing rebel groups against Assad. Accidental clashes are a high possibility. If this was to happen it could escalate tensions between the two powers. It only needs a small event or even an accident to trigger a third world war.
The E.U. is also becoming a war zone, full of military assets. Italy, subordinate to the E.U. superstate is now looking more like a military base for NATO and the U.S.
In Italy there are now over a hundred NATO and U.S. military bases across the country with a stockpile of foreign weapons and ammunitions, 10,000 military and civil personnel and between 60-90 nuclear warheads with the numbers increasing.
Italian military journalist Antonio Mazzeo noted that the presence of nuclear weapons in Italy is a violation of the non-proliferation treaty signed by Rome and that the Italian authorities don't even have a clue what goes on at these U.S. bases.
The U.S. actually has nuclear bombs stationed all over the EU in order to show its might to Russia, with twenty each in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and also fifty in Turkey, along with the nuclear warheads in Italy that's two hundred nuclear weapons pointing towards Russia. That is the official number of course. No one actually knows the full amount.
If all this wasn't enough now Juncker the E.U Commission President has just come right out with his proposal for an E.U. military headquarters and his E.U. army, that for years those who stood up and warned this was part of that plan, were laughed at and derided as conspiracy theorists. Now of course in the wake of the Brexit referendum renewed impetus has been given to the plan as the U.K. no longer stands in the way of this scheme.
Importantly with all this global instability let us keep a clear head. Let us look up to Jesus Christ and remember that he warned us ahead of time that there would be wars in Matthew 24 and he said:
“See to it that you are not alarmed.”
We don’t have to be terrified of the future no matter how bleak. the Lord is on our side. Psalm 27 says:
“Though war may rise against me, yet I will be confident.”
Our hope is not in a stable world. But in our God who is our firm foundation.
Jason is the author of Trumpet Blast Warning and Beyond Earthly Realms. He is also host of End Time Hour on Eternal Radio broadcast every Wednesday at 8.15pm GMT and every Thursday at 9.00pm GMT. Just click here to listen.