
Showing posts from December, 2009

The Time of the End Draws Near 02

 The Time of the End Draws Near 02 A Trumpet Blast Warning to the Church Jason Carter 15th December 2009 New World Order We are living in interesting times - a monumental shift in global power is upon us, a reshaping of the worlds political, economic and religious stage is here - what we have previously known is over. World leaders are implementing at incredible speed the final stages for a new world order, and a unified global management of our planet. As Christian’s we must understand the times in which we are living. This article is a call to the Church of Jesus Christ concerning the end time drama that is close at hand – which has been playing out for centuries – but is now gaining incredible momentum in our time, as world leaders implement systems and fast track a one world government. Setting the stage for the revealing of the AntiChrist to the world and the coming tribulation as prophesied in scripture. Daniel 7:23-24, 2 Thess 2:3-10. Mark 13:14-20. We must wake up and open our