
Showing posts from 2020

Follow God or Government? Last Call Before The Great Reset

Follow God or Government?  Last Call Before The Great Reset The Great Reset is upon us. A new world is fast arising. If ever it was time to wake up it is NOW! Total corruption on every side...It is time for the heroes of faith to arise amid this day of trial and speak out. John the Baptist publicly called out the King on his immoral lifestyle. Moses confronted Pharaoh and declared, "Let my people go!" Daniel prayed with his windows open in total defiance of the government edict. Jesus did not care about causing offence. He told the truth regardless of the outcome. Let the heroes of faith arise in this, the last of the last hour!  

The Time Has Come

I said this day would come. What I have been warning of since 2009 is now taking place all across the planet. In disbelief people would ask, "If all that you're saying is true then why are you not being censored?" But since this global crisis began I, along with other Facebook and YouTube friends have been censored multiple times, and along with many others with wider audiences have been completely de-platformed recently and over the last few years. But those who disbelieved back then continue to disbelieve now. Wow. The level of conditioning is absolutely shocking. I now know there is actually nothing that will open their eyes to the tyranny that is unfolding before them. Many times I announced on my End Time Hour broadcasts that Chinese style censorship of the internet is here. Today that censorship continues to be gaining pace exponentially. The book burning days of past dictatorships is most certainly upon us. Information that does not follow the official narrative mu

Joy in all our Tribulation

Joy in All our Tribulation I made a post on Facebook yesterday that received an unexpected amount of attention. With the many comments and also some I read on the shared posts (time of writing 147 shares), I could see my original post needed a simple clarification. But much more than that, an encouragement for the days in which we are living. So just to clarify, what I observed outside the supermarket yesterday was clearly not the prophesied mark, but illustrated it was drawing ever closer, as indeed it has been for decades. But so much more important than all of this is one simple fact. Those who are in Christ Jesus have absolutely nothing to fear whatsoever, come what may. In fact the believer enjoys the exact opposite of fear - and that is the peace and joy of heaven itself. We can laugh and be exceedingly glad through any trial. Jesus was the most persecuted and yet the most happiest man alive. As we follow Him in everything we become like Him. We receive everything that is of Him,

Facebook will remove or restrict access to any content

Facebook will remove or restrict access to any content from October 1st 2020 I said this day would come. What I have been warning of since 2009 is now taking place all across the planet. In disbelief people would ask, "If all that you're saying is true then why are you not being censored?" But since this global crisis began I, along with other Facebook and YouTube friends have been censored multiple times, and along with many others with wider audiences have been completely de-platformed recently and over the last few years. But those who disbelieved back then continue to disbelieve now. Wow. The level of conditioning is absolutely shocking. I now know there is actually nothing that will open their eyes to the tyranny that is unfolding before them. Many times I announced on my End Time Hour broadcasts that Chinese style censorship of the internet is here. Today that censorship continues to be gaining pace exponentially. The book burning days of past dictatorships is mo

Medical Tyranny - Vital Information from Trumpet Blast Warning

In Revelation 18:23 we read that the Antichrist world order engages in what it calls sorcery - ‘for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived’ (NKJV). The word sorcery used here has often been taken to mean only witchcraft, black magic or the casting of spells. While this is most certainly an accurate translation, there is more to its meaning.   The word ‘sorcery’ in Greek is the word pharmakeia . This comes from the word pharmakeuo , which means to ‘administer drugs’. The English words Pharmacy , Pharmacist and Pharmaceuticals are derived of course from this Greek noun and verb. Bible prophecy specifically describes how medicines, drugs and potions will be part of the process which leads the entire global population into deception during the end times. In other words the prophecy could also be read, ‘the whole world was deceived through the use of pharmaceuticals.’ Revelation 18:23 – The whole world was deceived through the use of pharmaceuticals . This great deception will be

We Will Not Fear

We Will Not Fear As our global environment becomes more and more turbulent, it is imperative that believers do not give way to anxiety and live out of a center of fear. As the Bible puts it, we are not to be afraid even though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. We are told that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ - that trouble, famine, hardship, government or sword cannot harm and that even death itself has lost its sting.  If we are to accept and alert others to the signs of the times, it is essential that we live in the deep revelation that God is our refuge and fortress-an ever present help in times of trouble-and that we therefore have absolutely nothing to fear. This goes beyond head knowledge and must enter the realm of the heart. It comes only from experiencing the profound, personal relationship we have with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. As Jesus said, ‘peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gi

Action Stations

Action Stations!   The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing  Edmund Burke  This is a warning for both Christian and non-Christian alike. If we do not act we will be swept away by the torrent of end-time calamities poised to flood the earth in these coming days.  Troubling times are indeed upon us, of this we should not doubt.  Commitment not Compromise  So what then can we do? We cannot sit back in our armchairs and do nothing. Today a call is going out across the earth to rise up. Action must be taken, both on a spiritual and a practical level.  If you are reading this and you are not a Christian-that is someone who has not yet surrendered their will and life to God through the person of Jesus Christ-now would be the perfect time to humbly submit yourself to God and ask Jesus Christ to enter into your life. Once you have done this, find a Bible-believing church in your area to continue the journey you have begun with God.  If you are already a Chris