Action Stations

Action Stations! 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing 
Edmund Burke 

This is a warning for both Christian and non-Christian alike. If we do not act we will be swept away by the torrent of end-time calamities poised to flood the earth in these coming days. 

Troubling times are indeed upon us, of this we should not doubt. 

Commitment not Compromise 

So what then can we do? We cannot sit back in our armchairs and do nothing. Today a call is going out across the earth to rise up. Action must be taken, both on a spiritual and a practical level. 

If you are reading this and you are not a Christian-that is someone who has not yet surrendered their will and life to God through the person of Jesus Christ-now would be the perfect time to humbly submit yourself to God and ask Jesus Christ to enter into your life. Once you have done this, find a Bible-believing church in your area to continue the journey you have begun with God. 

If you are already a Christian now would be a good time to check your life before God. The Christian must not be lulled into a false sense of security. 

Jesus warned the Christians of the Laodicean church that they were in danger. Jesus used strong words with them. He described them as being ‘lukewarm-neither hot nor cold’. Because of this condition Jesus said, ‘I am about to spit you out of my mouth’ (Revelation 3: 16). Jesus went on to warn that because they had become comfortable with earthly things they had believed the lie that they were in need of nothing. But nothing could have been further from the truth. Jesus warned that they were actually ‘wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked’ and in danger of losing their souls. 

All too often the security found in wealth and prosperity has slowly drawn the Christian away from the security found only in Christ alone. Without due diligence and care, material gain can so easily lead to a hedonistic lifestyle a lifestyle diametrically opposed to what is befitting of a true follower of Jesus. 

Moreover there are warnings for the Christian who believes that spiritual works of power are a proof of a relationship with him. Jesus said, ‘not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7: 21-23, NIV) 

I do not say these things to instil fear but rather I say them to warn. Let us not casually imagine that all is well with our souls but rather let us daily take action and work out our salvation with awe and trembling. (Philippians 2: 12) 

Jesus beckons the Christian today. ‘Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.’ 

Only the person who overcomes-that is who continues to realise that without Jesus they are totally destitute and possess nothing of any value to save themselves-will have the right to sit with Jesus upon his throne, just as he himself overcame and sat down with God the Father (Revelation 3: 19-22). 

As the days draw to a conclusion we must surely desire that God finds us spiritually on fire or hot, not lukewarm or cold-overflowing with the Holy Spirit, attuned to his voice and walking in his ways. 

Heaven forbid that on that day we be found lukewarm and full of earthly passions. Let us not be caught out like the unrepentant sinner, bitter towards our brother or sister, engaging in sexually immoral activity, pursuing the latest fashions, wasting time at the movies, watching endless hours of television, dancing and drinking the night away, as though these activities are acceptable in the sight of God. 

My dear friend, they are absolutely not. The apostle Paul says, ‘what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?’ ‘Come out from among them!’ entreats the Lord, ‘And be separate!’ (2 Corinthians 6: 14, 17) 

Action not Apathy 

We must also realise that even though we have signs to show the end is near, we will not know the exact moment. Jesus said, ‘but about that day or hour no one knows’ (Matthew 24: 36, NIV). 

In an instant the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will be destroyed by fire and everything in the earth will be laid bare. Since everything will end in such a sudden and unexpected manner we are implored in Scripture to be found separated unto God at all times, to be spotless, blameless and at peace with Jesus lest we be taken off guard (2 Peter 3: 10-14). 

Jesus’ return will be sudden, so sudden that it will happen within the blink of an eye (1 Corinthians 15: 52). 

According to medical science the human eye blinks at a speed of between 300-400 milliseconds. For this reason we are to be like soldiers on guard-alert and awake at all times lest we find ourselves unprepared. 

Jesus said that he will come at an hour we do not expect (Matthew 24: 44). 

Jesus likens his coming to that of a thief, ‘Look!’ said Jesus, ‘I come like a thief’ (Revelation 16: 15). 

The thief analogy is repeated by the Apostle Paul who writes that Jesus will come like a thief in the night. The theme is also picked up by the Apostle Peter and it is carried throughout the gospel warnings. In particular the story of the wise and foolish virgins is told to inspire us to be ready. It is set at night time. The foolish virgins (those who are lukewarm Christians) come unprepared and without power (the Holy Spirit) to light their way to meet the bridegroom (Christ in his second coming). The resulting tragedy is that they are found locked out and unable to enter the wedding feast (the Kingdom of God) (1 Thessalonians 5: 2; 5: 4; 2 Peter 3: 10; Matthew 24: 43-44; Luke 12: 39; Matthew 25: 1-12). 

Here we should also take note of Jesus’ words to his disciples during that most troublesome night in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus told Peter that unless he kept on watching and praying he would fall into temptation. In like manner Jesus is calling upon his disciples in this last hour. Let us not be like the early disciples who failed to keep watch for even one hour. Today let us with persistence watch and pray, lest we become caught up in the cares and pleasures of this world and find ourselves without enough oil to lighten our pathway to the bridegroom. 

For the believer then, it is time to attune themselves wholeheartedly to the call of their master Jesus Christ. It is time to stop sitting on the fence of indifference, precariously balanced between two worlds. 

For the unbeliever, it is surely time to commit oneself to God, to humbly admit one’s sinfulness and surrender one’s life to Christ. 

Protest not Passivity 

As our world becomes darker and darker urgent practical action is required.

There is a duty to be fulfilled in this hour. To sit back and idly watch TV in the imagined safety of our homes while the world outside descends into anarchy around us will soon not be an option. 

It is not good enough to believe that since all these things are prophesied all will pan out in the end. Just because we believe these events are happening in fulfilment of end-time prophecy does not give us a license to passivity or idleness. On the contrary it becomes imperative that we confront the darkness. Doing nothing is not an option. 

As Edmund Burke famously said, ‘the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’. 

Our inaction is not neutrality. It is complicity in bringing about the Antichrist world order. In this dark hour God is looking for generals. 

He is looking for men and women of great faith who will stand up fearlessly in the face of certain persecution, against the death grip of tyrannical government hell-bent on reversing every freedom that so many paid for with their lives. 

Where are the William Wilberforces who fought tirelessly for the abolition of the slave trade? 

Where are those who will stand up against the global enslavement of humanity today? 

Are we to remain asleep, in a drugged up stupor, blinded by propaganda and dumbed down by the mindless nonsense vomited from television screens? 

Have we become so conditioned that the subjugation of our nations to foreign unelected bureaucrats has become of no consequence to us? 

Are we not angry that they live opulent lifestyles on our money and impose their laws over our laws? 

Are we content to be living at a time when Hitler’s European dream is being fulfilled? Are we sitting comfortably watching our ball game as the shadow of United Nation’s authoritarianism looms over us? 

Are we to continue turning a blind eye to the historical fact that western governments have actively engaged in acts of terror against their own people? Will we persist in arrogantly labelling anyone a conspiracy lunatic who believes the official version of events is untrue? 

Are we content to live in a world of lies when Jesus said, ‘I will lead you into all truth?’ 

Are we disturbed by the encroaching threat of Islamic Sharia law over our lands when at the same time the godless elite stifle free speech, Christian liberty and label Christians ‘right wing extremist terrorists’? 

How do we feel about being treated like caged animals in a surveillance nightmare rivalling George Orwell’s dystopian future? 

Are we comfortable having our emails, phone calls, homes and every movement monitored by the state? 

Are we going to silently relinquish all our freedoms until we are fooled into accepting the Mark of Beast? 

Do we sit in silence and inaction? 

Or do we rise up and fearlessly run to the battle? 

There are many practical things we can do in the war against tyranny. We can write letters of warning and protest to our local and national leaders. We can organise or attend peaceful protests around our cities. We can spread the word through social media and produce handout flyers or display bumper stickers. We can stop voting for the mainstream establishment political parties that all work towards the same ends. 

The big question is will we refuse to follow government regulations that contravene God’s laws? 

When government goes against the Word of God we MUST NOT follow them. There is no Biblical precedent for following dictatorial government when it constrains men and women of faith to sin against God. Time and again we read about the heroes of faith who stood in the face of the elite leaders of their day and refused to bow the knee in surrender to their godless whims. 

Romans 13 - the passage written by the Apostle Paul about submission to the authorities-is often regarded as the proof text amongst church pastors and leaders for submitting to government no matter what. It is important to note that Paul does not state that God approves of corrupt government, godless leaders, or unjust legislation, and neither does he mean for Christians to blindly submit to these over the law of God. Indeed Paul often found himself arrested, beaten and imprisoned by the authorities. 

Obedience to earthly authority must be the general rule but it is clear from the Bible as a whole that we need not obey government if it involves sinning against God. Romans chapter 13 has often been taken out of context. Unsurprisingly it has been used to further the aims of tyrannical power and to quell Christian protest. Indeed Adolf Hitler and many German churches used such Scriptures as the Biblical reason not to oppose the Nazi regime. 

It should be noted that a church in America employed the same stance on the appointment of president Obama in 2009. The church in Ohio distributed a troubling flyer to its congregation based around the Romans 13 text. The flyer encouraged them to lead the way in supporting Obama because his election was a deterrent against evil. An excerpt from the flyer read: 
  1. Barack Obama’s presidency is appointed by God. 
  2. Christians should lead the way in supporting Barack Obama’s presidency. 
  3. Barack Obama’s presidency can be a force for good and a deterrent against evil. 
  4. As president, Barack Obama is God’s minister to you for good. 
Scripture must always be interpreted against the backdrop of all Scripture, and we can see from the Bible that men and women of God fearlessly opposed tyrannical governmental rule and unrighteous political leaders without question and broke the law when necessary. 

Courage not Cowardice 

It’s time to be bold. 

Consider the following examples. 

The Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah feared God so they refused to obey the command of the king of Egypt to kill the sons born to Hebrew women (Exodus 1: 15-7). 

Moses was hidden for three months by his parents in defiance of the king’s command (Hebrews 11: 23). 

In protest Moses confronted Pharaoh to his face on numerous occasions (Exodus 5-13). 

Esther illegally approached the King (Esther 4: 16). 

Shadrach, Mischach and Abednego did not heed the decree of King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to worship the graven image (Daniel 3: 12-15). 

Daniel ignored a thirty day government ban on prayer (Daniel 6: 10-17). 

God warned the wise men against returning to King Herod despite his clear instructions to do so (Matthew 2: 12). 

John the Baptist directly challenged King Herod, publicly accusing him of an immoral lifestyle despite knowing that this action would lead to certain imprisonment or death (Matthew 14). 

Jesus caused a civil disturbance by overturning the tables of the money-changers. He even fashioned a whip to drive them out and continued to guard the area to prohibit them from returning (Mark 11: 1-16). 

On being told by the high priestly authorities not to preach about Jesus Christ, Peter and the apostles answered that they should obey God rather than men (Acts 5: 29) 

Jesus warned us that as the end draws nearer lawlessness will abound (Matthew 24: 12). This will amongst other areas manifest itself in anti-Christian legislation. Laws have already been passed that restrict the Christian to act in line with the Bible. This trend will only continue until the Christian is forced to break unrighteous laws. The day is coming when we will all be faced with this choice. The question is will we be found obeying the government or will we be found fearlessly obeying God?”

From Trumpet Blast Warning by Jason Carter

Jason Carter is author of Trumpet Blast Warning and Beyond Earthly Realms.


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