I will not bow
I will not bow In a world of lies and spiralling deceit I will fight for truth and righteousness to the death and it may just come to that. I will never trust godless politicians or the mainstream media above a holy God and His Word. I couldn’t care how many don’t go with me. I don’t care who believes I am deceived. Why would I care for the opinions of TV soap watching, Netflix subscribing Christians who think going to church is following Christ? What discernment would they have to judge me? I will gladly look like a deceived fool to a sleeping world or a snoring church who takes their truth from the very system they should be utterly apposed to and who have allowed wicked government into God’s holy house. As a believer I will never adulterate myself for a single second by partaking in the sinfulness of this world by engaging in television, for by it believers prostitute themselves to the gods of this age and are utterly deceived by it. I will not listen to anyone but God and those