Old Order Rising
Old Order Rising I journal all my warning dreams and visions. I recorded the following on my phone notes, 27 July 2012. Considering global events I am sharing this one in detail today for prepping and praying. I stood alone on a dark, foreboding autumnal roadside. Towering above, leafless trees loomed. Their naked claw-like branches arching a threatening canopy over the night passage. As I looked, something like an aged stone tomb sunken into a leafy forest floor came into view. Amid this moss and ivy covered mystery I saw an epitaph-like inscription chiselled into the pitted stone. I could not decipher the Cyrillic text but recognised it immediately. It was Russian. Now the nighttime path zoomed back into view. As I squinted into the darkness I saw two huge stone statues hand-in-hand ambling silently toward me. In an effort to id entify these ghostly figures I looked up into their carved faces. I instantly recognised them. It was former premiers o f the Soviet Union, Vladimir