Coronavirus - A Vital Message for the Church

March 11th, 2020, Jason Carter

On 16th February 2020 I was in church. We had a moment to pray concerning the Coronavirus. I felt strongly that the virus’ only power was the mainstream media’s hyping of it. I felt frustrated and didn’t know how to pray.

So in that moment I asked the Holy Spirit one simple question. “What is the Coronavirus all about?” Immediately a reply shot straight into my spirit. “It is a weapon to take down nations.”

I kept what I heard to myself and in all honesty I did not want to share it with anyone, except for whispering the matter into my wife's ear in that moment.

Today I feel too strongly in my spirit the urgent need to get this information out for the purpose of encouraging the Church to make Holy Spirit targeted prayer against this weapon.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (Coronavirus hysteria), bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (fear, panic, spirit of death)... (2 Corinthians 10)

The Coronavirus is being used in an attempt to cripple an empowered America, disempower Brexit, to shut down a global awakening of the masses, and to persecute the Church. The ensuing fear and panic, propagated through the controlled mainstream media, is a means to enact totalitarian control, all with the express purpose of resetting a failing agenda to install an eventual totalitarian world government as prophesied in scripture.

The bible tells us to pray IN the SPIRIT on all occasions (Eph 6:18). That means not to pray out of our own heart, but to pray from a place of our Father’s own heart. That means praying from a place of faith, praise and worship (Kingdom perspective), not from a place of fear, panic and worry (demonic perspective).

Through targeted faith praying in the Spirit the saints can operate together as a mighty army against any weapon that has been set up to destabilise what the Father is doing in these last days before His Son’s return.

May the Lord Jesus touch your spirit deeply with His love and joy as you engage with Him in the Spirit to pray.

Bless you friends.


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