
Showing posts from June, 2015

Ein Klima der Angst schaffen

Kapitel 4 Ein Klima der Angst schaffen Lass niemals eine ernsthafte Krise unbeachtet. Was ich damit meine: Es ist eine Gelegenheit, Dinge zu tun, die du zuvor für undenkbar hieltest Rahm Emanuel, ehemaliger Stabschef von Barack Obama Wir stehen an der Schwelle einer globalen Transformation. Alles was wir hierzu brauchen, ist eine richtige Krise, und die Nationen werden die Weltregierung akzeptieren David Rockefeller Am Ende des letzten Kapitels haben wir uns angesehen, wie die Regierungen ein Klima der Angst schaffen, um eine Atmosphäre der Folgebereitschaft gegenüber Veränderungen zu erschaffen, die normalerweise innerhalb der Gesellschaft nicht akzeptiert werden. Wie wird diese Angst nun erzeugt? Durch welche Mechanismen verursacht eine Regierung so eine Art von Panik, in der Menschen darauf vorbereitet sind, den Boden, auf dem sie ihre Bürgerrechte genießen, abzutreten? Die Antwort lautet, durch eine Krise. Die vorsätzliche Orchestrierung einer schrecke...

O soul, are you weary and troubled?

Feel imprisoned by life's circumstances? Struggling with Ill-health, depression, anxiety, relationships, grief, rejection, lack, abuse, persecution or accusation? A trial, especially a prolonged one that shows no sign of abating, can leave us feeling discouraged and with no hope of escape. As believers, what do we do when problems arrest our heart and mind? Many of us begin by asking God to simply take them away. But that might not always be the right action to take. When Paul and Silas found themselves imprisoned they responded in a way few of us do today. Imagine the setting.  Paul and Silas were minding their own business while travelling to a place of prayer. A slave girl, troubled by an evil spirit, began to follow them on their journey. For days she hounded them until eventually Paul got so annoyed by the goading spirit in her that he commanded it to leave in Jesus name–-and of course it obeyed and left in an instant!  One thing led to another an...

18 things you need to start thinking about

Over the years I've been asked many times; "Are you preparing for the kinds of emergency situations you refer to in your books Trumpet Blast Warning and Beyond Earthly Realms?" For example in Trumpet Blast Warning I write: The West is about to be shaken as never before... The current financial crisis is only the beginning. Out of the ashes of the economic ruins a new global financial system will rise...Cash will be consigned to history and the only means to buy and sell will be through a digitised system...  Martial law - the imposition of military rule to maintain order - will be instituted. The burgeoning surveillance grid will facilitate the military takeover... The people, desperate for food, will do anything in order to survive.    Read more > In Beyond Earthly Realms I write:  A societal collapse is coming; the warning signs are all around us. This will be triggered by a combination of key factors, such as the continued abandonment of godly...

The West is about to be shaken as never before

Refer to article ' 18 Things You Need to Start Thinking About' In  Trumpet Blast Warning  I write:  The West is about to be shaken as never before. The question is, are we ready? Are we ready both practically and spiritually?   And;  The catalyst for the Great Tribulation will most likely be the total collapse of the global financial infrastructure. The current financial crisis is only the beginning. Out of the ashes of the economic ruins a new global financial system will rise. We can see this taking shape today. Cash will be consigned to history and the only means to buy and sell will be through a digitized system - the prophesied Mark of the Beast.   Martial law - the imposition of military rule to maintain order - will be instituted. The burgeoning surveillance grid will facilitate the military takeover and implementation of the Mark. The people, desperate for food, will do anything in order to survive. All concerns that the new monetary system...

Monsanto plans to move headquarters from US to UK

Like clockwork the globalists, 'never let a serious crisis go to waste'. Back in January 2015 during the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, (while Europe was in a state of shock and preoccupied with demonstration marches), it was announced that following an EU vote GM crops would be fast-tracked in the UK.  Now  Monsanto, the agrochemical and agricultural biotech corporation is planning to move headquarters from the US to UK !  I warned about Monsanto in my book. Here's an excerpt from  Trumpet Blast Warning  Chapter 17. Monsanto is known as a leader in genetically engineered seed. This form of crop production is fast being heralded as a key to the survival of humanity. But this tampering with God’s creation is unleashing a devastating impact not only to the biosphere but upon humanity itself. Already Monsanto’s GM crops are contaminating natural crops in nearby farms. Monsanto claimed that the outbreak of GM wheat on an Oregon farm was an ‘isolated...

Get Ready!

Time is Running Out! Recently I’ve found myself thinking about a recurring vision I experienced as an infant. I would sit upright at night and watch through the bars of my cot an illuminated ticking clock superimposed onto the wall. It would always make me cry. One time I can remember my father coming into the bedroom to comfort me. The clock was a message showing me that time was running out. Below is an excerpt from my book Beyond Earthly Realms . Please read it and share it with as many people as possible as I am absolutely convinced that time is indeed running out for us all! Get Ready! (From Chapter 10) I watched as people went about their daily chores and business; they met their friends in the street, they joked and they laughed. And all the while I looked on in wonder. How could they live this life without God, which, as the bible says, is here today and gone tomorrow? Such a life is just a chasing after the wind and utterly meaningless without Him....

Time to WATCH and PRAY

World War III on the Horizon? Almost three years ago during the night watches of 14th July 2012 I experienced a detailed warning vision concerning the alliance of Western powers and a resulting and devastating military conflict with Russia. To be plainly honest, I have tried, but to no avail, to put this warning vision out of my mind.  However, with the current escalating tensions between the US/EU/NATO and Russia,  the vision has become like a burning fire in me and I am urged by the Lord to make it public today. Last Saturday night, unable to sleep, I began to prepare this blog. But the following morning, again I wanted to hold off from sharing the vision. Then, while in church yesterday, I felt compelled to greet a man of God who I highly respect and honour with all my heart. We spoke briefly as we always do. To my surprise he cautioned me to not forget the prophetic events surrounding Russia and what is currently happening in the Ukraine. We had not ...