Free Chapter from Beyond Earthly Realms
Chapter 3 – Beyond Earthly Realms
Antichrist Rising
It was during this time the Lord showed me that the underground Chinese church was a critical part of His end-time strategy for world evangelisation.
He revealed that at the appointed time, during a great global upheaval and persecution, the Chinese underground church would be released, or more accurately propelled, into the world as a direct result of political pressures. Chinese Christians would preach the Gospel with unprecedented power and success in obedience to a heavenly assignment. Millions of souls would be drawn into the saving arms of Christ.
The Lord showed me that this was the reason why the Chinese church had undergone such terrible persecution. This time of trial had turned many Chinese Christians into a seasoned and well-trained army of Spirit-filled, Christ-centred saints.
These believers would be totally unwavering whenever they encounter opposition. Their persecution and troubles had become like a kind of incubator in which an abundance of fruit had been birthed. I also understood that their steadfast faithfulness under trial would be a powerful testimony to the on-looking Western church, especially since the Western church will need great encouragement not to be fearful and shrink back at the first sign of more obvious governmental persecution. I felt strongly that Brother Yun, author of the book The Heavenly Man, had been raised up for this purpose. He formed the first fruits, along with many others, of a much wider move of God that will be precipitated by global political unrest and an unparalleled persecution of the saints.
The Magna Carta
On another occasion during this time, on a dark evening in the winter of 1991, the Holy Spirit urgently directed me to the attic in my family home. He wanted me to retrieve a print of the Magna Carta belonging to my father.
At the time I did not know the significance of the Magna Carta or indeed what it was or why I needed to find it. All I did know was that I could sense the presence of such a spiritual darkness in England, caused specifically by spirits of paganism and witchcraft spirits.
This was not the only time I experienced this awareness of satanic darkness in the nation. Only a few days before my main vision experience I became caught up in what I can only describe as a kind of limbo between the earthly and spiritual realm while I was making a journey on foot through the countryside from Wadhurst to Mayfield in Kent, England. As I walked I saw clearly that paganism, witchcraft and freemasonry had a particular stronghold in that part of the country and that the demonic spirits behind each of them were intentional about the destruction and death of the Christian family, the church, active Christians, Christian workers, Christian ministers and leaders. I saw that those who belonged to such dark and sinister groups were trying to do this through casting spells, performing occult rituals, and through secret initiation ceremonies and rites.
I also came to see that October 31st — the day on which Halloween is celebrated — was a time when witches in particular were more active than usual in this quest.
This should serve as a warning for any Christian that they are to play no part in the celebration of Halloween even if it masquerades as harmless fun. Ephesians 5:11 cautions us to have no fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness.
During this walk through the Kent countryside I saw and heard many things which were very disturbing to me. But probably one of the most memorable of all was the sight in the sky of a battle in the heavens.
I stopped and looked up into the cloudy sky.
To the left I could see shimmering white angels riding on pure white horses drawing bright white chariots. They were wielding white weapons, specifically swords and spears.
To the right I saw men who looked more like demons riding black horses and chariots. They bore similar weapons of medieval warfare.
The two armies charged and crashed into each other. In spite of the commotion, I couldn’t hear a sound. The battle was strangely silent. The sense of looming, imminent and thick darkness was almost palpable.
It was this same presence that I was now feeling as several weeks later I clambered up into the attic to retrieve the print of the Magna Carta.
Rummaging through the many boxes in my father’s attic I came across the document. It was rolled up in a plastic tube.
The Holy Spirit compelled me to take it to the garden and burn it immediately! So I took the document outdoors and set light to the corner with a match.
My father, who watched from the window, was greatly bemused by this. Why would his son do such a thing to his precious document?
British Democracy Destroyed
It was only much later, after the Lord opened my eyes to the political landscape in a revelation I received in October 2009, that I came to understand my strange actions that dark night in 1991.
What I did was prophetic. The European Union was invested with new powers that were agreed on 10th December 1991. These led to the signing of the Maastricht Treaty on 7th February 1992. These powers were eventually enshrined in law and enforced on 1st November 1993. This would destroy British democracy like paper in a fire.
The Magna Carta, Latin for ‘Great Charter’ or ‘Great Paper’, is considered by many historians to represent the beginnings of democratic government. It is because of this charter that the Queen of England is not the absolute ruler of the land. The Magna Carta paved the way for individual liberty. Originally containing 63 articles it became the cornerstone of English law and indeed all modern democracies.
The European Union is diametrically opposed to the democratic principles of the Magna Carta. With the advent of their new powers, these principles have been so weakened that they are now meaningless. In fact, they have effectively been cancelled and nullified.
By signing up to the Maastricht Treaty and the subsequent Lisbon Treaty, the United Kingdom has effectively ceded its sovereignty and is no longer governed under the constitutional law of the ideals set forth within the Magna Carta. The people of the UK are no longer truly and uniquely governed by the UK Parliament. They are now governed by the laws of the European Union and of the Brussels Parliament. These EU laws have been set up to subjugate and destroy nations by design. This destruction may be acted out in the natural realm but it is actually a spiritual act of wickedness in high places. The prime movers behind this wickedness were those occult forces whose dark presence I had sensed when I was climbing up to the attic to retrieve the Magna Carta — paganism, witchcraft and Freemasonry.
The Antichrist
During this time I saw the Antichrist standing in the heavenly realms wearing a black robe adorned with golden buttons. There was white fur surrounding the hem, collar and the cuffs. On his head he wore a kingly, jewel-encrusted, golden crown and in his hand he held a golden sceptre.
I saw another figure, a woman also adorned in black, with long straight and shiny blond hair. She was wearing a garment similar to the Antichrist.
As I looked at her I saw that she had a seductive and proud spirit, a spirit like Jezebel in the Old Testament. She also had a crown upon her head, and as I looked, although I did not understand this, I understood that she was a demonic counterfeit of the Holy Spirit.
These two demonic beings stood shoulder to shoulder on what looked like a gigantic chess board. They were strategically positioned, as if they were waiting to make their move to enter into the world together at the appointed time.
I then saw Jesus Christ dressed in similar attire. However, his robe was blood red — the collar, cuffs and hem made of the purest of white fur. He too held a golden sceptre. It was tipped with a golden orb about four inches in diameter and encrusted with precious stones.
Upon His head He wore a golden crown. This was also bejewelled with precious stones. It was the crown of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Standing next to Christ, shoulder to shoulder, was the person of the Holy Spirit.
They too stood waiting to enter the world at the appointed moment in the end-times of history.
The Imminent Return of Christ
During this whole time I was acutely aware of the nearness of the second coming of the Lord Jesus and that we were in the closing stages of history. The tangible presence of His coming charged the atmosphere around me. Yet I was troubled in my spirit to know when exactly the end of all things would occur. But I could not find out. It is worth noting here that the Scriptures counsel us that it is not possible to know the exact day and hour of the return of Christ (Matthew 24:36). If anyone then comes and announces precise dates we can be sure that this person is in error or, worse still, intent on deceiving the brethren.
It was at this time that the Lord showed me specific people in the church that were considered by other Christians to be the least in the Kingdom of God.
These saints were unjustly judged and looked down on when in reality they were to be greatly honoured. The Lord considered them to be the greatest in the Kingdom! These Christians were silently but faithfully fulfilling their end-time callings.
I eagerly made a point of meeting with these Christians, wondering if they might be able to help me understand the time of the end.
A Deceptive Ruler
Throughout this time the wonder and mystery of the virgin birth occupied my thoughts although I did not receive a vision of this blessed truth.
I also had a strong perception, but again it was not a vision, that a ruler would rise in the future and deception would mark his reign and that He would claim that he had been conceived in a similar or in the same fashion as our Glorious Saviour Jesus Christ.
I do not know if this meant that he would claim to be born of a virgin or not. All I knew was that his origins would be shrouded in mystery and his claims — whatever they might be — would be complete falsehood and from a satanic source.
These thoughts grieved my spirit greatly. It caused me much pain that a man could posture in such a blasphemous manner, deceiving the masses in the near future.
Food Offered to Idols
It was also at this time that I sat around the table with my family to eat. As I put a piece of meat in my mouth I instantly heard the Holy Spirit speak in what felt like an audible way in my right ear.
‘Do not eat food that has been offered up to idols.’
I immediately felt nauseous. It seemed to me as if the meat was off. I could no longer eat it.
I already knew that the New Testament did not place this kind of restriction on a believer so I did not understand why I’d been told this. Only later did it become clear that this incident was supposed to be a prophetic warning. The Lord was alerting me to the fact that the meat had been offered up to idols.
How could that be?
Today it is becoming more and more common in the West for animals to be slaughtered in the ritualistic manner of Islam. This kind of practice is known as ‘halal.’ The animal is killed while the butcher faces Mecca and recites that ‘Allah is the greatest.’
Looking back I now understand that the phrase ‘meat being offered to idols’ was a warning about the growing influence that Islam was going to have on Western society in the future, even down to the mundane issues of eating.
This struck me as very much more than a minor caution about diet. The Lord showed me very clearly that Islam would feature significantly in the events leading up to the second coming of Christ.
The Bottomless Pit
On another occasion I experienced what I can only describe as what the Scriptures call ‘the bottomless pit’, or ‘the abyss’, from which the Bible says the Antichrist will rise during earth’s final years.
I had been unable to sleep all night long because of the continuous visions passing through my mind. Finally I fell asleep and straight away it felt as if my spirit somehow left my body. This seemed so real to me that I was convinced it actually happened.
The moment I fell asleep I experienced my spirit abruptly leaving my body and hurtling down into a dark chasm. The sensation of falling was as real to me as any waking experience.
I fell at an incredible speed, faster and faster, thousands and thousands of feet down into the darkness of the pit.
Down and down I went.
As I fell, I became aware that this pit had no end and I knew that I would continue to fall for eternity.
The width of the pit was enormous and the darkness was incalculably deep. It appeared to be about one mile in diameter but it might have been narrower — it was difficult to estimate.
The walls of the chasm appeared to be made of some kind of dense black matter that was impenetrable and quite unlike any solid material found on the earth. It was more like lifeless, compacted dark matter. There was energy in it and yet it seemed dead.
Nothing could escape from this hole and nothing could enter into it, except through the opening through which I’d passed.
It was a terrifying place; the atmosphere was tinged with evil. Although I did not feel the presence of any other living beings with me as I fell, I was concerned that there was something lurking much further into the chasm.
What was deeply disturbing to me as I continued to fall was the growing realisation that in this place a person was completely and utterly separated from the living God. It was as though God did not exist in that pit. I couldn’t find His presence anywhere. Indeed nothing seemed to exist here. There was no trace of God’s creation at all.
As I looked out into this black void I was aware that on the other side of it the entire created universe existed, teaming with millions upon millions of stars, where God sat enthroned in the heavens.
But it was impossible to reach it.
As the fearful awareness of my predicament grew I frantically twisted myself as I fell through the dense darkness, trying to look above me to the place where I had originally entered. This was now thousands of miles above and beyond me. I stretched out my arm in desperation as though to grasp onto something but my hands just snatched at empty space and I continued to fall.
It was then that I made out a pinprick of light in the far distance above me. I hadn’t noticed it before. It was as though the pit had somehow been opened as a response to my reaching out for help.
Then with my arm outstretched, I reached with my hand towards the speck of light. At this point I became aware of what I can only describe as a large angel standing at the top of the entrance.
The angel appeared to either sweep down the left side of the opening, or to use its power from where it had been watching me plummet, to pull me up at an immense speed until I exited out of the pit.
At that moment it felt as if my spirit instantly rejoined my body with a jolt, and I found myself jumping up from the bed and standing upright.
I was completely startled.
‘I just died!’ I cried.
I do not know if I had literally died but the sensation of dying and leaving my body was real enough to me.
Within minutes I knew by revelation that the source of the writings and the beliefs behind the occult, new age, religious sects and false religions came directly from the spirit that dwells in this bottomless pit.
Many of these doctrines, as I realised in that moment, had been dictated supernaturally via automatic writing by fallen angels.
All these false religious ideas are Antichrist doctrines because they defiantly refuse to acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ. It should come as little surprise then that these doctrines come from such a God forsaken place.
It is out of this place that the Antichrist will ascend in the last days and wreak havoc upon the earth, along with his henchman, the False Prophet, who will propagate a deceptive religious ideology.
The Bible tells us that in the latter days some will abandon the faith and follow after false doctrines. This time is known as the great apostasy. The ideas promulgated in these teachings will come from deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. As 1 Timothy 4:1 says: ‘now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons’ (NKJV).
In visions of the Apostle John, recorded in the Book of Revelation, John saw the Antichrist (or the beast) rising from this bottomless pit during the end times.
‘When they [the two witnesses] finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them.’ (Revelation 11:7 NKJV) ‘The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition.’ (Revelation 17:8 NKJV)
The bottomless pit also features in other significant end-time events. It is the place that the Bible says will be opened at the sound of the fifth trumpet blast. When this occurs, a multitude of demons — fallen angels in the form of mutated locusts — will rise from its smoke and attack people and sting them for five months. All those who have not received the seal of God upon their foreheads will suffer terrible pain and death.
These demon locusts have a king over them described as the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, in Greek Apollyon, which means the Destroyer (Revelation 9:1-12).
The Antichrist will likely be possessed by this demon or will be heavily influenced and draw great power from it.
The bottomless pit literally means ‘the shaft of the abyss.’ It is a prison for demons. It is also the place where Satan will be bound for 1000 years after the battle of Armageddon.
Revelation 20:1-3 reads: ‘then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit…’
A Vision of Hell
Finally I saw a portion of hell.
This vision came to me in a sudden flash and totally without warning. I was not expecting it and neither was I considering such things when it came upon me. It appeared rather like a lightning storm at night when the sky is lit up and the trees and buildings can be briefly seen before the lightning vanishes and the darkness suddenly returns.
Although the vision must have lasted no longer than a second I saw enough to give a detailed description of what I saw.
I saw countless people waiting to be damned forever because they chose to ignore the message of the Good News found only in Christ Jesus our Lord. They were lined up in queues upon an elevated walkway on a craggy mountain pass, silently waiting to enter a city of eternal damnation.
They appeared not to be speaking. Their mouths were closed. This I considered strange given the vast volume of people and their close proximity to one another.
Fire consumed that city with a ferocious heat and many of the gutted buildings glowed orange as they disintegrated before my very eyes.
Remember that the Biblical references to hell being a place of fire are numerous. Jesus himself made many references to hell being a place of fire: Matthew 5:22; 13:42; 13:50; 18:8; 18:9; 25:41; Mark 9:43; 9:44; 9:45; 9:46; 9:47; 9:48; Luke 16:24.
Hell is an awful reality.
Thus it was that I cried out in a great urgency of soul. The pain of seeing all this seared my heart so deeply that I staggered and almost physically collapsed at the sheer horror of it. As the vision vanished I wept bitterly.
I then pleaded with a person who had not yet departed this life but who professed to be a Christian. But this person was just a churchgoer and had no living relationship with our Lord at all. To my utter bewilderment and disbelief this person was impassive to my anguished pleas to know Christ and receive eternal salvation before it was too late. They were simply too proud to care and therefore unable to see the truth.
Coming Back to Earth
Months later I eventually reconnected completely with the earthly realm and the revelations ceased altogether.
Such was the void left by leaving the spiritual realm and also the trauma caused by the many things that I had experienced and witnessed that it became incredibly difficult for me to adjust to normal life.
At the time I did not understand everything about the vision experiences. I didn’t understand why they had happened or what their purpose was. These questions played upon my mind for many years to come.
I did not discuss these things with anyone because it was too disturbing to talk about and too difficult for me to comprehend.
The experience profoundly affected my life. Every vivid memory and each exacting detail weighed heavily upon me for many years.
In fact, it would be nineteen years later, in October 2009, I would begin to understand the full meaning and import of what I had seen back in October 1991. In October 2009 I experienced a dream vision in which the Lord warned me of the dangers of further integration with the European Union. Then my eyes were opened to the political and eschatological climate of the day, and I came to fully understand the interpretation of the entire ten hour vision experience and subsequent experiences.
The details of the 2009 dream and their interpretation and application can be found in my book, Trumpet Blast Warning.
Just as the dream vision came in October of 2009 and at a key moment for Europe, so too did the vision of October 1991.
The Maastricht Treaty, the Treaty on European Union, was drafted the following month.
The importance of the Maastricht Treaty cannot be underestimated. Wide and sweeping changes were implemented through it. The Treaty significantly advanced the European agenda for deeper and further integration. A further loss of national sovereignty of the participating nations took place and a giant leap forward was taken in the goal to create a European super state. The Treaty would formally establish the European Union and it would pave the way for the single Euro currency. This Euro currency was the fledgling idea for a global currency, thereby moving the world one step closer to what we are warned about in Biblical prophecy — a one world monetary system.
In 1992 the then German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, testified to the magnitude of the Maastricht Treaty when he said:
‘In Maastricht we laid the foundation stone for the completion of the European Union. The European Union Treaty introduces a new and decisive stage in the process of European Union which within a few years will lead to the creation of what the founding fathers of modern Europe dreamed of after the last war; the United States of Europe.’
These are signs of the times.
They are in fact signs of the end-times.
Jason Carter is the author of Beyond Earthly Realms and Trumpet Blast Warning. For more information visit
In October 1991, Jason Carter received a series of striking visions about the last days of human history. These began with a ten hour waking vision in which he was taken by the Holy Spirit beyond earthly realms and shown things that are to come. What he saw and heard was a wakeup call to the church in Europe and throughout the world.
For over twenty years the only person whom Jason told was his wife. Now he shares these visions and their interpretations for the first time with the wider public.
In this companion volume to his acclaimed Trumpet Blast Warning, Jason Carter gives us heaven’s perspective on earth’s future. Prepare to be challenged. In the world’s increasing darkness, we need a brave new church.
Whether you are a believer or not the revelations in this book will not leave you unmoved.
It truly is time to get ready!
